Aloha Friday Message – September 12, 2008


These are white almond blossoms. They are so beautiful to look at, and can you imagine being in an orchard filled with these beautiful flowers? I hope you’ll take a minute to go here and read up on almonds. Fascinating stuff!

So, why did I choose a picture of blossoms? Ah, well that was this week’s “Healing Word.” A blossom has a lot of connotations. “He has really blossomed as an artist.” “She’s a blossom in a garden of roses.” “First the blossom, then the fruit.”

A blossom is a confirmation of fertility. It means that the tree, or flower, or plant, or species has successfully prepared to be propagated. A blossom is the flower of a seed-bearing plant, so even grains have blossoms. It is the peak of development for the process of propagation and the beginning of the process of fruition. When we blossom, we go through something of the same process.

Remember the adage, “Bloom where you’re planted.”? When we remind one another about that, we are saying, “Make the best of your current situation. Bring your work, your life, your hopes, and dreams to fruition where you are.” When we blossom or bloom we enter a state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor as in a state or time of high development or achievement as in “His career is in full bloom.” We produce “flowers” and when we do we are ready for the next step, producing fruit and seed. Fruit of the earth, fruit of the vine, fruit of our labors, fruit of the Spirit, fruit of endeavor; all of these come from our flowering. We have “every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it” as an example of blossoming.

As humans we can make a choice about the environment. We can adapt ourselves to our environment – be adaptable – or we can alter the environment for ourselves – be adaptive. Plants cannot normally do that in a way that is easily discernable to us. We can also choose to make adaptive choices about the environment that ruin it for everyone else. We have heard much about that of late. We can even be adaptable in ways that are unhealthy for us.

And so it is that we carry within us not only the seeds of fruition, but also the seeds of destruction. When you are transplanted, which seeds do you hope will come from your flowering? Did you know even thistles have flowers? Well, you do know that what you sow is what you reap, so if you sow thistles you won’t get sweet peas! And if you sow your wild oats, you won’t get grapes … or much of anything else but trouble, perhaps.

Still, in our human lives, we can generally choose to become something different from the way we began our lives. We can come over or be overcome. We can become a part, or come apart. We can blossom like a rose, or bloom like a thistle. We have been empowered to choose between life and death, blessing and curse, fruition and destruction. So if you are going to decide to bloom where you are planted, also choose what seeds you will bear. Will you be the wheat or the tare? (See Matt 13:27) Not all thorns have roses, and not all roses have names. Not all blossoms/flowers produce seeds either, and not all seeds produce blossoming plants.

“Bloom where you’re planted” is more than just a cute saying for one’s self-assurance. It is a summary of the challenge to live a productive life, one that is of use to oneself and to others. It means finding the seeds you want to plant, planting and nurturing them, and bringing them to fruition so that the cycle of life continues. Where are your seeds? What are your seeds? And what does it take to make a seed from a blossom? Must a seed come from within your self?

Think about these things this coming week. Please remember that if the only place you go to find your self is inside yourself, it could be that all you will find is your self. Beloved, there is so much more to life than that!

Choose something in your life that will blossom and bear fruit. Love, joy, peace, patience and perseverance, gentleness, goodness, faith, kindness, self-control, are all attainable in your own life. Choose them all that your joy may be full.

Whatever, whenever, wherever, whoever, however, if ever — at your service.


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About Chick Todd

American Roman Catholic reared as a "Baptiterian" in Denver Colorado. Now living on Kauaʻi. USAF Vet. Married for over 50 years. Scripture study has been my passion ever since my first "Bible talk" at age 6 in VBS.

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