These are some formulary prayers you may use.
Morning Offering
A Get Up and Get Going prayer
Good morning, LORD, and thank You for this day! As we go out to help the World together, be beside me all the way. Teach me and help me to be just, and merciful, and obedient, to live righteously, and to walk humbly before You wherever Your Spirit guides me. Let the constant Hope I have in You be the Light that drives away the darkness and draws me and everyone I meet to Your perfect Integrity, endless Mercy, and eternal Salvation, through Christ our Lord. AMEN
Reconsecration to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I reconsecrate myself to You today because today I wish to live in You, in Your grace, in which I desire at all times and at all costs to persevere. Strengthen my will and keep me from sin by helping me to keep watch over my senses, my imagination, my heart, and my mouth. Help me to correct my faults which are the source of my sins, and to control my addictions and behaviors which are the occasions for my sin. I beg You to do this in Your most precious name and for Your eternal glory. Amen.
Expanded Daily Offering
O my Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You this day and all of my thoughts, words, and deeds, my works, my prayers, my joys, my sorrows, my victories and my defeats, my fears and anxieties, my heart’s desires, everything I do and everything I fail to do, all that I am and all that I have I offer to You. I offer You this day for [any and every intention chosen in your Heart]* the reparation of sin, the conversion of sinners, the conversion of Russia and America and the whole world to the Glory of God the Father, for the lives and souls of the innocent unborn upon whom I invoke the special protection of the Holy Family; for the intentions and needs of my loved-ones, friends and associates, and for their deep and lasting conversion; for everyone who prays for me and everyone who asks for my prayers, for leaders throughout the world and all of those in authority that they might govern with compassion, morality, integrity, wisdom, and justice so that we can all live together in peace; for every individual whose vocation it is to serve You by serving others in Your name, and most especially for the intentions of our Holy Father in Rome Pope Francis and his protégé Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus. Amen
A Morning Offering
- Almighty Everliving God, my El Shaddai-Olam, I offer You this day and my entire life in it as a sacrifice of adoration, thanksgiving, and praise.
- Bless and approve this offering, sanctify it and make it Holy, so that it becomes for you a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable to You, O LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer – an offering made in Spirit and in Truth.
- I joyfully offer You this day because You are my God and I am Your servant and this is my reasonable service of worship.
- I joyfully offer You this day because You are my Creator and I am Your creation, and all creation rightly gives You thanks and praise.
- I joyfully offer You this day because I love You, and I Love because You first Loved me.
- Thank You for this day, this life, this love, this JOY. Please help me to share it with whomsoever or whatsoever Your will allows.
- I offer this prayer in Jesus’ name. AMEN.
A Prayer for All Living Souls
Jesus, lover of mankind, You came to Earth centuries ago to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and yet countless men and women, boys and girls, do not know You, do not love You as well as they could, and many are indifferent or opposed to You. In this state of being, Lord, they might not consciously offer You their lives today. There are millions more, Lord, who do know You, do love You, but do not know about, do not care about, or have forgotten about making a daily offering, so Lord, on behalf of all of every living soul who does not turn to you today and say, “You are God, and my life is yours,” I offer You the best of their day today so that You might be loved and honored in some way by them, too. Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful to them all as miserable sinners, forgive them their sins, and bring them to everlasting life. Amen.
A Prayer for the Innocent Unborn and others
O Blessed little Infant Jesus, in honor of thy holy birth and through thy holy Mother, I pray that the innocents who will this day be murdered may find refuge and eternal glory before the throne of thy Heavenly Father. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love You very much and I beg You to save the lives and souls of the unborn children I have placed under your spiritual protection as well as the lives and souls of the spiritual brothers and sisters, sons and daughters with whom God has graced my life. Mary, mother of all of God’s children, bless and protect, guide and direct all of those whom God has given to me to love. And grant that through the prayers and lawful actions of those of us who are opposed to abortion, the parents who are considering murdering their children today will decide instead to share with them the gift of life. And for those parents who have already murdered their children, grant them the graces of contrition and repentance so they will be led to reconciliation. For those who promote and perform abortions, God have mercy on their souls and grant them knowledge, understanding, and wisdom so they can perceive and comprehend that what they are doing is evil and tragically, horribly wrong, and therefore they will cease. And Lord God of All Creation, who have allowed these millions of souls to be conceived, but then murdered before they drew their first breath, if these people will not stop promoting, performing, demanding, bragging about, demonstrating for, legislating for, and codifying, then i ask you to neutralize and to nullify their influence. Amen.
For Mary in The Garden of Heavenly Delights
Hail Mary, White Lilly of the Glorious and Most Serene Trinity; hail Brilliant Rose of the Garden of Heavenly Delights; O, You by whom God wanted to be born and by whose milk the King of Heaven wanted to be nourished, nourish our souls with effusions of Divine Grace. Amen.
Salve Regina
Hail. Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy. Hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
Pray for us Holy mother of God,
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
O Mary, conceived without sin,
Pray for us who have recourse to thee.
For remember, most gracious and blessed Virgin Mary, never was it known that anyone who fled to Your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was ever left unaided. Inspired by this confidence I turn to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To you I come, before you I stand sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my prayer in this my time of trial, but in your mercy ever hear and answer me. (Make Your petition.)
Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God’s love commits to me here
Both day and night be at my side
To light and rule, to guard and guide.
For the Souls in Purgatory
O gentle Heart of Jesus, ever present in the most blessed Sacrament of the Altar, ever consumed with love for the poor captive souls in Purgatory, in Your mercy and kindness grant them reconciliation and release. Be not severe in Your judgments, O Lord, but let just a few drops of Your precious blood quench the devouring flames and wash away the choking ash. And then, Merciful Savior, send Your angels to conduct them to a place of refreshment, light, and peace. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, And may perpetual Light shine upon them. May all the souls of all the faithful departed through the Mercies of God rest in peace. AMEN.
An Act of Contrition
Almighty God, I know I have sinned against You. I am truly sorry for my sins, not just because I fear Your just punishment – the loss of heaven and the pains of hell or purgatory, but because they offend You who are all Truth, Justice, Mercy, and Love embodied together in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. With the help of Your grace I am resolved to reform my life, to acknowledge my sins and repent, to confess my sins and do penance, to avoid sin and to resist the desire to be tempted, and to seek and accept Your forgiveness. I ask only for sufficient grace to work out my salvation through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
A Spiritual Communion
O my Jesus, I believe with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength, and with all my being that You are truly present in the most blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Jesus, I love You above all things and persons, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I am unable now to receive You sacramentally, I ask to be united with You spiritually. I reach out to embrace You, knowing that You are always there, always coming back to me in the Eucharist, and I unite myself entirely to You. Come, then, and inhabit the tabernacle of my heart and make my body a temple for Your Holy Spirit; and then, through the Power of that Spirit, grant me the faith, the discernment, the patience and perseverance, and especially the humility to successfully resist desecrating this temple. I beg You to do this in Your Most Precious Name and for Your eternal glory. Amen.
Prayer Before a Crucifix
Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus, while beneath Your cross I humbly pray, sincerely pleading with You to create throughout my whole existence holy and living virtues – all the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit – while leading my soul to sincere contrition and effective repentance as I contemplate with great love and tender pity Your five wounds, pondering upon them within me while calling to mind the words which David Your prophet said of You my Jesus: “They have pierced my hands and my feet. I can count all my bones.” Glory be to the Father, … Amen.
Prayers following the Prayer before a Crucifix
Heavenly Father, I offer You these prayers for the intentions of our Holy Father, Pope N. Our Father, who art in heaven . . . Amen. With each “Hail Mary: add the mystery in the list below (…replaces …). Meditate on that mystery as you pray each time. |
Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus … | …wounded for our transgressions
…crucified even for us. …dead and buried. …resurrected. …ascended into Heaven. …sending us His Spirit …coming again in Glory. |
… Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. AMEN
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be – world without end …. Amen. |
A Jesus Prayer
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Your Heart. O my Jesus, forgive me my sins. Save me from the fires of Hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, and help especially all those souls like mine who are most in need of Your mercy. Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful to me, a miserable sinner; forgive me my sins and lead me to everlasting life. AMEN.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit. Enter the hearts of thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy Holy Love.
Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created and thou shalt renew the face of the Earth.
O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit has instructed the hearts of the faithful, grant that in that same Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Thou, O LORD, shalt open my lips,
and my tongue shall announce Thy praise.
Incline unto my aid, O God.
O LORD, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father, … AMEN.
Prayer to Seek God’s Will
Almighty Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – I love You. I worship You. I adore You. I praise You. I glorify Your name. Enlighten, guide, strengthen, and console me. Teach me Your will and empower and inspire me to fulfill it completely, for it is my heart’s desire to serve You well in all that You ask of me and everything that You allow to happen to me. Only make Your will known, and grant me the graces necessary to faithfully follow You to the place You have prepared for me. I offer You this prayer in the name of Jesus, The Christ, our Lord who lives and reigns with God, The Father Almighty, in the unity of The Holy Spirit, The Lord, the Giver of Life. AMEN.
Father, I take a moment to remember everyone in the Moon Beam Network. Watch over them all, Father. Bless them. Protect them. Guide them. Direct them. Keep them all safe from any harm or danger in body mind and spirit. See to their temporal needs and continue to call them all to a deeper spiritual awareness of and commitment to you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Increase their faith and fill them with your Light. Bless everyone who prays for us and everyone who asks for our prayers. Bless all of us with the will to do small things with great love, that love which we share among all of the members of the Moon Beam Network. Likewise bless everyone I have ever loved and everyone who has ever loved me, and anyone who has ever loved them, for the love we have comes from You through Your Son Jesus the Christ by the ministry of The Holy Spirit. AMEN.
Prayer for Vocations
- Heavenly Father, Your Divine Son taught us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his vineyard. We earnestly beg you to bless our Diocese and our world with many priests, deacons, and religious who will love you fervently, and who will spend their lives, gladly and courageously, in service to Your Son’s Church, especially the poor and needy.
- Bless our families and our children, and choose from our homes those whom you desire for this holy work. Teach them to respond generously and keep them ever faithful in following Your Son, Jesus Christ, that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with the inspiration of Saint Damien and Saint Marianne the Good News of Redemption will be brought to all.
- Father we also pray for those men and women who have already answered Your call as St. Damien and Saint Marianne did. Strengthen and guide them in serving You through the work that they do. Bless them for the sacrifices they make to bring souls into the Kingdom. We especially pray for your servants who go out into the world as missionaries to carry the Good News and the Sacraments to every land and nation.
- Please, Lord, touch also the hearts and minds of our laity to come forward to serve in the ministries of our parishes and encourage many parishioners to volunteer time, talent, and treasure to help our parish be a blessing to our community through their compassionate service to others. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
EMS Prayer – Any time you see or hear an ambulance, police cruiser, fire truck, rescue vehicle or any emergency responder or pass a hospital or police or fire station:
Almighty God, please go with those emergency service providers and grant them safety, wisdom, courage, and strength so they can render assistance in a way that gives glory and honor to You and grant that the responses of those who require that assistance will also glorify You. Father, someone’s life is drastically changing right now. Please be with them to assist them through this change. I ask You this in Jesus’ name and for Your greater eternal glory. AMEN.
With both hands on the shoulders of the other person, you say “_____________, I claim your life in the name of Jesus.” Then, say, “From this day forward may no person, place, thing, idea, or spirit ever hinder or harm the bond in His love that exists between us now; and so may Almighty God bless you, and I bless you [S.O.T.C. (+)] in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
_________________, from now on, you are a [brother/sister // son/daughter // etc.) to me as we are children of the Father, and heirs with the Son. Peace be with you. Amen”
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General Intercessions
We pray for Christians and for people of all faiths who are being persecuted for their beliefs.
We also pray that those who fear they cannot or should not be forgiven will find that your mercy exceeds all their fears.
We pray for the conversion of sinners everywhere. Help them to nurture and cherish the spark of your Spirit that dwells in every living soul.
We pray for the children and youths, especially on our island. We ask that you will watch over them and reveal yourself to them through the loving care of family and community so they can recognize and embrace God’s infinite love for them.
Bless and protect the lives and works of the gallant men and women who serve in our Armed Forces around the world. For those who are in most danger in combat zones, send your mighty angels to stand with them against our foes.
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Mary, Mother of the Unborn
O Blessed little Infant Jesus, in honor of thy holy birth and through thy holy Mother, I pray that the innocents who will this day be murdered may find refuge and eternal glory before the throne of thy Heavenly Father. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love You very much and I beg You to save the lives and souls of the unborn children I have placed under your spiritual protection as well as the lives and souls of the spiritual brothers and sisters, sons and daughters with whom God has graced my life. Mary, mother of all of God’s children, bless and protect, guide and direct all of those whom God has given to me to love. And grant that through the prayers and lawful actions of those of us who are opposed to abortion, the parents who are considering murdering their children today will decide instead to share with them the gift of life. For those parents who have already murdered their children, grant them the graces of contrition and repentance so they will be led to reconciliation. For those who promote or perform abortions, grant them knowledge, understanding, and wisdom so they will perceive and comprehend that what they are doing is evil and horribly, tragically wrong. Amen.
From CB ~~
Daily Covering Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray this prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind, rebuke and bring to no effect; all division, discord, disunity, strife, wrath, murder, criticism, condemnation, pride, envy, jealously, gossip, slander, evil speaking, complaining, lying, false teaching, false gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, poverty, fear of lack, fear of spirits, deceiving spirits, religious spirits, hindering spirits, retaliatory spirits, occult spirits, witchcraft spirits (including Jezebel, Delilah, and Apollyon the Destroyer), spirits of antichrist and all familiar and territorial spirits.
I bind all curses that have been spoken against me. I bless those who curse me, and pray blessings on those who despitefully use me. I bind all spoken judgments made against me, and judgments I have made against others. I bind the power of negative words from others, and I bind and render useless all prayers not inspired by the Holy Spirit; whether psychic, soul force, witchcraft, or counterfeit tongues that have been prayed against me.
I am God’s child. I resist the devil. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I put on the whole armor of God. I take authority over this day, in Jesus name. Let it be prosperous for me, and let me walk in your love, Lord.
The Holy Spirit leads and guides me today and fills me with all needed gifting and graces. I discern between the righteous and the wicked. I take authority over Satan and all his demons, and those people who are influenced by them. I declare Satan is under my feet and shall remain there all day.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am God’s property. Satan, you are bound from my family, my mind, my body, my home, and my finances. I confess that I am healed and whole. I flourish, am long lived, stable, durable, incorruptible, fruitful, virtuous, full of peace, patience and love. Whatsoever I set my hands to do shall prosper for God supplies all my needs. I have all authority over Satan, all demons, and beasts of the field.
God, I pray for the ministry You have for me. Anoint me God for all you have called me to do for You. I call forth divine appointments, open doors of opportunity; God ordained encounters and ministry positions.
I claim a hedge of protection, by the Precious Blood of Jesus, around myself, spouse and children (names), throughout this day and night. I ask You God, in the name of Jesus, to dispatch angels to surround me, my spouse, my children, godchildren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, today and everyday, and to put them throughout my house and around our cars, souls and bodies. I call on Your holy angels to protect my house from any intrusion and to protect me and my family from any harmful demonic or other physical or mental attacks. I ask all of this in the name of Jesus.
“God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the Lord, and He has been my Savior” (Isaiah 12:2 NAB). Amen. Alleluia. Amen
The 9 Beatitudes
- Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
- Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
- Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
- Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
- Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
- Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
- Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
- Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
- Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
One Response to Standard Prayers