A Morning Offering
- Almighty Everliving God, my El Shaddai-Olam, I offer You this day and my entire life as a sacrifice of adoration, thanksgiving, and praise.
- Bless and approve this offering, sanctify it and make it Holy, so that it becomes for you a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable to You, O LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer – an offering made in Spirit and in Truth.
- I joyfully offer You this day because You are my God and I am Your servant and this is my reasonable service of worship.
- I joyfully offer You this day because You are my Creator and I am Your creation, and all creation rightly gives You joyful thanks and praise.
- I joyfully offer You this day because I love You, and I love You because You first loved me.
- Thank You for this day, this life, this love, this JOY. Please help me to use them for whomsoever or whatsoever Your will allows.
- I offer this prayer in Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Whatever, whenever, wherever, whoever, however, if ever, forever —
at your service, Belovéd!
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